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 Blackberry Q10 $550/Blackberry Z10 $500/HTC One $400

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Number of posts : 2
Registration date : 2013-06-04

Blackberry Q10 $550/Blackberry Z10 $500/HTC One $400 Empty
PostSubject: Blackberry Q10 $550/Blackberry Z10 $500/HTC One $400   Blackberry Q10 $550/Blackberry Z10 $500/HTC One $400 Icon_minitimeTue Jun 04, 2013 10:04 pm

Buy 2 Unit and get 1 Unit free with free shipping service
Buy 4 Unit and get 2 Unit free with free shipping service

Apple Ipad:
Apple iPad 4 Wi-Fi + 4G 64GB .... $500
Apple iPad 4 Wi-Fi + 4G 32GB .... $480
Apple iPad 4 Wi-Fi + 4G 16GB .... $460
Apple iPad mini Wi-Fi + 4G 64GB.... $440
Apple iPad mini Wi-Fi + 4G 32GB.... $400
Apple iPad mini Wi-Fi + 4G 16GB.... $390
Apple IPad 3 WiFi + 4G 64GB .... $380
Apple IPad 3 WiFi + 4G 32GB .... $360
Apple IPad 3 WiFi + 4G 16GB .... $340
Apple IPad 3 WiFi 64GB .... $300
Apple IPad 3 WiFi 32GB .... $280
Apple IPad 3 WiFi 16GB .... $260

Apple Iphone 5 - 64GB - 24k Gold : $1000
Apple Iphone 5 - 32GB - 24k Gold : $800
Apple Iphone 5 - 16GB - 24k Gold : $700

Apple Iphone:
Apple Iphone 5 64GB .....$500
Apple Iphone 5 32GB .....$450
Apple Iphone 5 16GB .....$400
Apple IPhone 4S 64GB.....$340
Apple IPhone 4S 32GB.....$320
Apple IPhone 4S 16GB.....$300

Blackberry Porche Design 24k Gold : $1100

BlackBerry Q10 ...... $550
BlackBerry Z10 ...... $500
Blackberry Blade Design.....$440
BlackBerry Porsche Design P'9981....$410
Blackberry TK Victory......$380
BlackBerry Playbook WiMax.......$340.00
BlackBerry 4G Playbook LTE......$300.00
BlackBerry 4G Playbook HSPA+.....$310.00
BlackBerry 4G 64GB PlayBook Wi-Fi Table......$320
BlackBerry Bold 9900......$360
Blackberry Bold 9930........$340
Blackberry Torch 9850........$330
Blackberry Torch 9800........$300
Blackberry Bold 9780.........$280
BlackBerry Style 9670......$260
BlackBerry Storm II 2 9550....$250
Blackberry Bold 9650.......$240
BlackBerry Bold ONYX 9700.........$230
Blackberry Storm 2.....$200

Nokia Lumia 925......$350
Nokia Lumia 920......$300
Nokia Lumia 820......$280
Nokia Asha 311......$260
Nokia 808 PureView....$270
Nokia N9....$240
Nokia Lumia 900....$250
Nokia Lumia 800....$240
Nokia Lumia 710....$230

Samsung Galaxy S4 IV.....$550
Samsung Galaxy Note 8.0 N5100....$450
Samsung Galaxy Note II N7100.......$400
Samsung I9300 Galaxy S III.....$360
Samsung Galaxy Note LTE 10.1 N8020.....$420
Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 N8000....$410
Samsung I8190 Galaxy S III Mini....$300
Samsung Rex 80 S5222R ..... $400
Samsung I8530 Galaxy Beam......$280
Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 10.1.....$270
Samsung U380 Brightside.............$260
Samsung I9070 Galaxy S Advance.....$270
Samsung Galaxy Player 70 Plus......$260
Samsung I9105 Galaxy S II Plus....$240
Samsung Galaxy Y S5360.........$220
Samsung Galaxy Note N7000 .......$270
Samsung Galaxy Pocket S5300.......$230
Samsung Galaxy Note SGH-1717.....$250
Samsung I9100 Galaxy S II.....$200
Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1.....$200

HTC One.....$500
HTC First....$450
HTC Jetstream....$370
HTC Panache.....$360
HTC Butterfly ... $350.00
HTC Windows Phone 8X......$330
HTC Tube-5.....$350
HTC Status.....$330
HTC Trophy.....$320
HTC One VX.....$320
HTC One X+.....$300
HTC One X......$300
HTC One XL.....$280
HTC One S......$270
HTC One V......$260
HTC Vivid......$250
HTC Rhyme......$240
HTC Amaze 4G......$250
HTC Rezound......$220
HTC Sensation......$240
HTC DROID Incredible 2......$300

Sony Ericsson:
Sony Xperia V ......$450
Sony Xperia TX .....$430
Sony Xperia Z ......$400
Sony Xperia Ion.....$300
Sony Xperia S.......$270
Sony Tablet S 3G.......$260

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Blackberry Q10 $550/Blackberry Z10 $500/HTC One $400
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