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 Data entry job from home $4000 per month filling surveys

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Number of posts : 3
Registration date : 2011-03-08

Data entry job from home $4000 per month filling surveys Empty
PostSubject: Data entry job from home $4000 per month filling surveys   Data entry job from home $4000 per month filling surveys Icon_minitimeWed Mar 09, 2011 4:40 am

With Platinum Survey you can make up to $4,000 a month
by just filling out online surveys or participating in focus groups! Get paid
to read, shop, test drive vehicles, eat, or play!
Quit your day job and be your own boss!
Unlimited income potential and rewards!

Data entry job from home $4000 per month filling surveys Work-at-home-400

Hi, my name is Mary Donnelly and I want to tell you about how Platinum Survey changed my life. Before I discovered Platinum Survey I was working part-time as a cashier at the local grocer while taking care of my three children; Alex, Patricia, and Jacob. I was having trouble balancing my home life and my work life and I was barely able to make ends meet with my minimum-wage job. I searched the internet trying to find a solution to my financial problems. When I discovered Platinum Survey, I was skeptical at first. What set me at ease was their 60-day money back guarantee. Not only that, but they said I could keep all of the money and gifts that I received from the companies I helped. So I decided to give them a shot and now 6 months have passed. I quit my job at the grocer and work 7 hours a week earning $800.00 a week. That’s 5 times what I was making slaving away at the local mart.
What’s neat about Platinum Survey is that I can pick what surveys I want to do. I can also pick how many surveys I want to do per day or week and I don’t have to worry about finishing them quickly because there are no time-limits to worry about. I have also participated in 2 online focus groups which were a lot of fun. I got paid $300.00 for 2 hours of my time, in case you were curious.

quit you day job now.

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